Thursday, December 18, 2014

RR Harland Williams - Har-Larious

What a treat, what a treat it is to finally have Harland Williams up here!

More Stand-up Comedy reviewed below:

Title: Har-Larious
Comedian Harland Williams 
Release date 2005
Genre Stand-up Comedy album

Who doesn't know Harland Williams?

If this name doesn't ring bell with you, chances are if you're a fan of comedy you've already seen this man a dozen times by now.

This actor/comedian has been appearing  on the big screen for decades now, from his well-known memorable short role on the original Dumb and Dumber (as the cop that ends up drinking pee!) to appearances on the likes of There's Something About Mary, voice acting on Madagascar, and many more!

As a comedian, Harland Williams is mostly well known for his "wild world" and his improvisation, mostly riffing on his audience during his live shows. His latest show "Force of Nature" actually played entirely on the fact he didn't make an material and was just wildly playing off with the public and improvising as he went touring through the US.

This Canadian comedian as been doing stand-up comedy since 1994, first doing comedy clubs through the country. He then appeared on a lot of Late Night shows (Letterman, Jay Leno, Conan.. he's done it all!) before moving to successful shows for HBO and Comedy Central.

"Har-Larious" was his 2005 show that would win him a "Best Improviser" Award on a NBC prime time series in 2007. It's a 40+ minutes show released by Comedy Central Records containing his best performance of the tour.

Harland is always better live, but for those like me who have very little chance to get to see him live, this CD's the next best thing.

Harland always seems to be having a lot of fun playing around the stage, screaming, swearing a lot, or just plain goofing around making sounds with his mouth. Much of his work consists of improvisation.

All the way through the show Harland spends his time interacting with his audience. He opens up with a fun bit about restaurants, then goes on to talk about his sense of humor, some post-9/11 material and "all the Al Quedas" ruining our lives nowadays, body enhancements and tattoos, cars, animals and corn, his "buddy Larry", eating and finally ending on a fun off-tangent bonus track titled "Harland in the Sack".

There are some great surreal bits like his opener about a fly in his house (and taking out its feet so it can never land!).

There's a lot of swearing of course, because it's Harland Williams dammit!

There are some more generic jokes depending entirely on his delivery. Nothing you haven't heard before. Some scatology humor. Yep. He also can't get over how there are so many people from Arby's at his show ("Who's running Arby's tonight!?!"). He tries to be a bit more political for a couple minutes but then goes back to safer material quickly.

Harland covers your usual stand-up subjects in his show - cops, planes and airport security, etc. Mostly playing with the way he interacts with the audience. He has a long joke about airbags. Lots of surreal material, lots funny bits, swearing... all relying on his interaction with the audience and his delivery!

Great stuff, but maybe not his best. A single show wouldn't necessary contain all of his best from an entire tour which usually comes when unexpected (it would have been certainly better to offer a second CD with a few alternate takes I think).

Overall, a great funny comedy album.

One crazy insane, twisted, hilarious I mean, Har-Larious comedy album!

Fun with a good crowd. Definitively worth a good chuckle!

Recommended for any fans of Harland Williams out there and his particular style of comedy. Comedy fans should definitively check it out too!

I give it:

2 / 3 Urkels!

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